Gloria discovered a love for all things pregnancy and birth when she found herself pregnant with her first child in 2002. Books like “Prenatal Yoga & Natural Birth” by Jeanine Parvati Baker, “Spiritual Midwifery” by Ina May Gaskin and “Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year” by Susun Weed would be her guides, along with her experienced homebirth midwife.  As the years passed, Gloria became interested in supporting others in their birth and postpartum journeys and took a doula training with DONA and the Khalsa Way Pregnancy Yoga training. Since then, she has taught countless prenatal and mommy and me yoga classes, supported women through labor and postpartum, and brought two more beautiful children of her own into the world.  Gloria has also completed additional training with Dancing For Birth, Spirit Baby Mommy & Me Yoga, and as a Sacred Postpartum Mother Roaster. As a Kundalini Yoga instructor, she has created an online meditation course to support women with perinatal mood and anxiety disorders called Peace for Postpartum.  Gloria has worked closely with a local Waldorf-inspired preschool, World Family School as a teacher’s assistant and substitute teacher.  Gloria is a founding member of the Bozeman Attachment Parenting group and a member of the Montana Childbirth Collective. While Gloria is happy to support parents in whatever birthing and parenting choices they make, she has extensive personal experience with lotus birth, the 40 day lie-in, elimination communication (diaper-free baby), cloth diapering, babywearing, co-sleeping, and extended/exclusive breastfeeding.