Dating Advice: Tips For Eating Dates

Dating advice never seemed so unpractical - except we are talking a completely made up verb for eating dates!

Have you heard the general rule of eating 6 Dates a day for the last 6 weeks of pregnancy? Yeah we did the math too, that’s 252 Dates… WOW! A brief history of date fruit in pregnancy and a whole lot of ideas on how to actually consume that many dates - keep scrolling down!

6 Dates a day for the last 6 weeks of pregnancy
— Tree of Life Doula Care
Date Fruit for eating Dates in pregnancy. Bozeman, MT Tree of Life Doula Care Agency

A brief history of dates in the united states and in pregnancy and birth. Eating Dates in pregnancy has been around for thousands of years in the middle east where dates originate from. Date fruit comes from palm trees. Read more about the history of Date fruit in the United States here from National Geographic.

Palm Trees with Date Fruit.

Eating Dates in pregnancy began in the middle east thousands of years ago and likely came from the Qur’an. God is depicted giving Mary dates throughout child birth and it is also stated in the Qur’an by Muhammad, “Whoever takes every morning, seven dates of Ajwa, he will neither be harmed by poison nor sorcery on that day”. Bedouins, the nomadic Arab tribes who have historically inhabited the desert regions in the Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, the Levant, and Mesopotamia, survived long periods of time on camels milk and Date fruit. The fruit is still used in todays Arab women as remedies for health purposes.

With all the history of eating dates for various reasons it has sparked different scientific studies at universities around the world. This is great news for us parents who really want to know why we are force feeding ourselves dates late in pregnancy!

Some insightful things that came out of this particular study have been highlighted in the graphic below…

Infographic with key points pulled from a study about eating dates later in pregnancy for improvement in labor. Created by Tree of Life Doula Care Bozeman Montana Doula Agency.

Visit the study HERE |

Let’s talk logistics of eating 6 Dates per day for the last 6 weeks of pregnancy…

If you are like a lot of people you don’t regularly eat dates, you might not even know where to buy them at the store. Let’s start there, most of the time you can find date fruit in the produce section in pre-packaged containers. They might also be found near the raisins and other “dried” fruit. Costco has bigger containers of them - bulk dates do exist!

The evening date milk that our doula brought over was so yummy and like a dessert before bed
— JH - birth Client

The thought of eating dates for some people is an absolute hard pass, and for some they are yummy and a treat to be able to eat 6 at one time. Even those that love them find it a bit overwhelming to HAVE to eat 6 per day for 6+ weeks… Below are some tried and true ways to get those dates in daily without feeling like its a chore!

5 Ways to eat dates graphic created by Tree of Life Doula Care, in Bozeman, MT

Bacon Wrapped Dates Graphic created by Tree of Life Doula Care in Bozeman, MT

Evening Date Milk graphic created by Tree of Life Doula Care in Bozeman, MT

If you have any additional questions on eating dates or more importantly why to hire a doula, please reach out to us at and follow along on social media @treeoflifedoulacare

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